How to pray when under spiritual attack ?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Spiritual warfare is a real phenomenon that many people face in their daily lives. Whether it’s through temptations, doubts, or oppressive forces, these attacks can leave us feeling spiritually drained and disconnected from our faith.

But fear not! Prayer is your most powerful weapon against such onslaughts. In this blog post, we will explore the role of prayer in spiritual warfare and provide practical tips on how to pray when under spiritual attack. So grab your armor and get ready to strengthen your connection with God as we dive into the world of battling evil forces through prayer!

Spiritual warfare is real

Spiritual warfare is not just a concept or metaphorical language used in religious texts; it is a real and tangible battle that we face in our lives. It may not be visible to the naked eye, but its effects can be felt deeply within us and around us.

In this spiritual battle, we are confronted with forces that seek to undermine our faith, rob us of joy, and hinder our relationship with God. These attacks can come in various forms – from persistent doubts and negative thoughts to temptations and distractions that pull us away from what truly matters.

The enemy behind these attacks is often referred to as Satan or the devil. He seeks to steal, kill, and destroy everything good in our lives. But here’s the good news: we have been given the power through prayer to resist these attacks and overcome them.

The role of prayer in spiritual warfare

The role of prayer in spiritual warfare cannot be overstated. Prayer is not just a religious ritual or a last resort when things go wrong; it is a powerful weapon against the forces of darkness that seek to hinder our spiritual growth and well-being.

When we engage in prayer during times of spiritual attack, we are tapping into the supernatural power of God. Through prayer, we invite Him into our situation and ask for His guidance, protection, and deliverance. It is through prayer that we align ourselves with God’s will and unleash His power to overcome any form of spiritual attack.

Prayer allows us to communicate directly with God, our Heavenly Father. It provides an avenue for us to pour out our hearts before Him, sharing our fears, struggles, and desires. In these moments of vulnerability and transparency, God listens attentively and responds according to His perfect wisdom.

In addition to its communication aspect, prayer also serves as an act of surrendering control over our circumstances to God. By humbling ourselves before Him in prayer, we acknowledge that He alone has the power to defeat our enemies and bring about victory in every area of life.

So let us embrace the vital role that prayer plays when facing spiritual attacks head-on! Let us cultivate a lifestyle characterized by constant communication with God – seeking His presence regularly through heartfelt prayers filled with praise, repentance, and the declaration of His promises. With prayer as our

How to pray when under spiritual attack

Start By Praising God

When you find yourself under a spiritual attack, the first thing you should do is begin by praising God. It may seem counterintuitive to worship in the midst of adversity, but praising God shifts your focus from the attack to His power and authority. It reminds you that He is greater than any force that comes against you. Lift up your voice and declare His goodness and faithfulness!

Confess Your Sins, If Necessary

During times of spiritual warfare, it’s important to examine your heart and confess any sins or areas where you have fallen short. Sin can create an open door for the enemy to gain access into your life. Take time to humble yourself before God, acknowledging any wrongdoing and asking for forgiveness. Allow His cleansing power to wash over you as you repent.

Speak The Word Of God In Prayer

One powerful way to combat spiritual attacks is by speaking the Word of God in prayer. Scripture tells us that the Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). As you pray, declare verses that align with what you are facing. Speak words of truth, victory, and protection over yourself and others who may be affected by the attack. Let His Word become a weapon against the enemy.

Be Sure You’re Amoured Up

In Ephesians 6:10-18, Paul talks about putting on the armor of God to stand against spiritual attacks. This armor includes elements such as truth, righteousness, faith, salvation, and more. Before engaging in prayer during a spiritual battle, ensure that you are fully equipped with this divine protection.

Start By Praising God

When facing spiritual attacks, one of the most powerful weapons we have is praise. Praise has a way of shifting our focus from our problems to the greatness and faithfulness of God. It reminds us that He is in control and that nothing can stand against Him.

Begin your prayer by acknowledging and praising God for who He is. Thank Him for His love, mercy, and power. Speak out words of adoration, declaring His goodness and sovereignty over your situation.

As you praise God, you will start to experience a shift in your perspective. Your worries and fears will diminish as you realize the magnificence of the One who fights on your behalf.

Remember, praising God doesn’t mean ignoring or denying the reality of the spiritual attack you’re facing. Instead, it positions you in a place of trust and surrender to His authority.

Confess Your Sins, If Necessary

When facing a spiritual attack, it’s essential to examine our own hearts and actions. Sometimes, the attacks we experience may be a result of sin in our lives. Confession is not just about admitting wrongdoing; it’s about seeking forgiveness and turning away from those sins.

In prayer, take the time to reflect on your thoughts, words, and actions that may have contributed to the spiritual attack. Ask God to reveal any areas where you may have fallen short or disobeyed His commands. It takes humility to confess our sins before God, but this step is crucial for breaking down barriers in our relationship with Him.

Take this time of confession as an opportunity for personal growth and transformation. Commit yourself afresh to follow God’s ways diligently. Seek His guidance in overcoming temptation and ask Him for strength to resist future attacks from the enemy.

By acknowledging your sins before God sincerely, you open up space for healing and restoration in your life. Prayer becomes more powerful as it aligns with God’s will when sin no longer hinders its effectiveness. So don’t hesitate – come boldly before the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16)!

Remember always; confession doesn’t mean dwelling on past mistakes or wallowing in guilt—it means stepping into freedom by surrendering them at the feet of Jesus! So approach prayer humbly yet expectantly knowing that He hears every word spoken from a contrite heart

Speak The Word Of God In Prayer

When you find yourself under spiritual attack, one of the most powerful ways to combat it is by speaking the word of God in prayer. The Bible tells us that the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). When we declare and proclaim God’s promises over our lives, it releases His power into our circumstances.

In prayer, speak scriptures that align with your situation. For example, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, you can pray Psalm 23:1-4 which says, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want… Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.” As you speak these words out loud in faith, they remind both yourself and the spiritual realm that you are covered by God’s protection and provision.

Another powerful scripture to declare is Isaiah 54:17 which says, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” When facing attacks from unseen forces or negative influences around us, this verse serves as a reminder that ultimately we are victorious through Christ.

Don’t underestimate the power of speaking aloud during prayer. It allows your spirit to align with truth while declaring victory over every scheme of the enemy. So open your mouth boldly and confidently proclaim God’s promises over your life. Let His word be a shield around you as you navigate through spiritual warfare.

So let your prayers be filled with declarations grounded in scripture. Allow faith-filled words to flow from your lips as an expression of your trust and reliance on God’s truth. As you speak the word of

Be Sure You’re Amoured Up

When facing spiritual attacks, it’s crucial to ensure that you are properly equipped with the armor of God. Just as a soldier would never go into battle without their gear, we must not neglect our spiritual armor.

First and foremost, put on the belt of truth. This means being rooted in God’s Word and standing firm in His promises. The truth acts as a foundation for our faith and protects us from deception.

Next, don the breastplate of righteousness. This guards our hearts against evil influences and keeps us focused on living according to God’s will. It reminds us to walk in integrity and avoid sinful behaviors that may leave us vulnerable to attack.

Don’t forget about your feet! Put on the shoes of peace, which enable you to stand firm even amidst chaos. These shoes equip you with stability and readiness to share the gospel wherever you go.

Take up the shield of faith next – an essential piece of armor when under spiritual attack. Your faith acts as a barrier against doubts, fears, and lies from the enemy. Trusting in God’s goodness allows you to quench every fiery arrow aimed at your heart.

Additionally, grab hold of the helmet of salvation – protecting your mind from negative thoughts and discouragement. Remind yourself daily that you belong to Christ and have been redeemed by His blood.

By ensuring that we are properly armored up before entering into spiritual battles through prayerful preparation ensures we can withstand any attack thrown our way.


In times of spiritual attack, prayer becomes our most powerful weapon. It is through prayer that we tap into the strength and guidance of our mighty God. By following the steps outlined above – starting with praising God, confessing any sins if necessary, speaking His word in prayer, and ensuring we are fully armored up – we can stand strong against any spiritual warfare that comes our way.

Remember, spiritual warfare is real but so is the power of prayer. Through a consistent and fervent prayer life, we can experience victory over every attack from the enemy. Don’t underestimate the impact your prayers can have on your circumstances and those around you.

So when faced with a spiritual attack, don’t panic or become discouraged. Instead, turn to God in prayer and seek His protection and guidance. He promises to be with us always and to fight on our behalf.

Pray when under spiritual attack; it will transform your perspective, empower you against the forces of darkness, and lead you closer to experiencing breakthroughs in your faith journey. Trust in Him today as you engage in battle through heartfelt prayers!

“Finally brothers (and sisters), be strong in Lord
and his mighty power.” Ephesians 6:10

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